A Poem About Air Pollution, From Nose

Written by Anna Kulesza

Walking in the area surrounding Dofasco and US Steel. Coming from Main Street it smelt very surreal.
Usually it is love, that’s in the air. But the scent of pizza was surely not there.
 Most days walking North it smells very normal. But as soon as I passed Barton Street it smelt very awful.
 It was a wave of foul burning smells. I thought, “What’s going to happen to my organelles”
This time, I did not want to “follow my nose.” Because at this rate, there were no pros.
Having no real ability in order see. I asked eyes what that smell could be.
They concluded that it might be coming from the smoke stacks. I thought “What they are doing behind our backs.”
I can smell it, I can see it, but I don’t really know. What the chemical compounds do to Earths natural glow.
Not only the glow, but also me. What will Hamilton’s future health be?
We have green space but we need some more. So plant a tree that you will adore.
It will clean our air. Get the smoke out from our hair.
And the lovely tree will smell great for me.
